Machine Learning and Intelligent Systems
MALIS - Fall 2023 Fri 13:30 - 16:45



Instead of working on a single big project, this year the MALIS project will consist of 4 smaller projects of shorter duration.


You will work in groups of two. The group you choose at the beginning of the term cannot be changed. Choose your partner carefully.


For every project you need to deliver:

  1. The code associated to the project
  2. A 1 page document briefly explaining what was done and how to run the code
  3. In the document, it is mandatory to include a statement about the contributions of each of the team members (who did what)

Oral Presentation

In the lecture following the delivery of one of the projects, a group will be chosen at random to present in front of the class their project.


The best three grades will be considered and averaged into a single final project grade. While this means that you may skip one project, it is strongly encouraged to work on and deliver all projects.

ChatGPT Usage Policy

Students are strongly encouraged to work on the projects on their own. If ChatGPT is used, it is necessary to include 1 paragraph (in the one page document) explaining how it was used, if it was useful (e.g. it helped us because X reason) and/or if there were any encountered problems (e.g. it was not useful for X reason).

IMPORTANT: Using ChatGPT does not affect your grade positively of negatively, as long as its use is properly reported and documented. Instead, failing to report the use of ChatGPT will have a negative impact on your grade.

Previous Year’s Projects